Other Books


When Dreams Don’t Work: Professional Caregivers and Burnout

When Dreams Don't Work: Professional Caregivers and Burnout presents a fresh perspective on burnout. This book examines the origins and ...

Hoping Coping and Moping: Handling Life When Illness Makes It Tough

When someone learns that they are seriously--even terminally ill, their first thought is, "Why me?" Dr. Ronna Jevne offers practical, ...

It All Begins with Hope: Patients, Caregivers & the Bereaved Speak Out

We are all in need of hope. Hope is key to survival. But what exactly is hope? Where does it ...

No Time for Nonsense: Getting Well Against the Odds

No Time for Nonsense is a classic. Norman Cousins described it as a “practical down-to-earth guide that will help patients ...

The Voice of Hope Heard Across the Heart of Life

Psychologist/professor Jevne has been fascinated by hope and the attempt to understand how it develops and is strengthened through the ...

Striving for Health: Living with Broken Dreams

Striving for Health: Living with Broken Dreams (temporarily out of print) ...



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