The Junior Pilgrim Writers is a program we love. First, we introduce you to the idea of “life as a pilgrimage”.
What is a pilgrimage? It’s a journey. In the case of the Pilgrim Writers, it is an imaginary journey.
When you become a Junior Pilgrim Writer you are asked to see life as a journey, a pilgrimage, a challenge. First, we spend a short time quieting our minds in preparation for writing. Secondly you explore your reactions to part of the journey.
There are no right or wrong answers. And no one reads your writing. There are no punctuation, spelling, or grammar police. There is no minimum or maximum number of words you have to write.
From studying students who have become Junior Pilgrim Writers we know that this kind of writing is helpful. For example, the Pilgrim Writers we studied felt they were more committed to finishing school, could handle their feelings better, and their Language Arts skills improved