New Releases


Finding Hope — Ways to See Life in a Brighter Light

“It is hope which makes the shipwrecked sailor strike out with his arms in the midst of the sea, though no land is in sight.”


Finding Hope is a rare gem, a book that makes a difference. I personally have gifted Finding Hope to more than 300 people. The book Finding Hope is big enough to change a life and small enough to travel with you everywhere. Finding Hope is useful for both the hopeful and the hope challenged. The book plants seeds of hopefulness even in those whose situations invite despair.

With gentle invitations, thoughtful reflections, and compelling images, Jevne & Miller invite us to new understandings about hope including how to foster hope in our own lives and how to invite others to do the same. Every page offers relevant, achievable strategies for finding and practicing hope.


Finding Hope is a great resource for students, patients, health care providers, caregivers, educators, and clergy. It is well received by individuals and great as a resource for short term group interventions.

Sharon L. Moore, PhD, RN, R. Psych.
Professor, Faculty of Health Disciplines
Athabasca University

Guiding Client Writing

Watch for this soon-to-be-released title.

Ronna has presented nationally and internationally on how to guide client writing. She is now gathering her thoughts from years of experience into a sourcebook for practitioners.

Guiding Client Writing is intended for skilled mental health providers. It addresses: evidence of the benefits of reflective writing, schools of thought about reflecting writing, ethical considerations including how to structure sessions, multiple writing strategies, and client scenarios.

A separate section addresses the use of reflective writing for practitioners themselves.

For purchase information please contact the author
Ronna Jevne

Celebrating Sixty: Impulsive Meditations on more than Six Decades

Celebrating Sixty is a compelling collection of personal essays on deeply important topics such as, but not limited to, friendship and family, spirituality and abundance. The author shares a series of honest conversations about what she has navigated, created, survived, and loved. Using the lens of gratitude, we see the potential for challenge to join grace, curiosity and passion to craft a life of depth, a life of gratitude. There is no Pollyanna here, no glossing over the pain and perplexing moments. In the encounters of the author’s life, we see the kernel for celebration, not only in her life, but perhaps in our own. The insight and humour in her thoughts and reflections, interpretations and comparatives, would be richly valuable to those from any age cohort. Reading Celebrating Sixty will leave you asking questions about your own life.

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Living Life as a Writer

Living Life as a Writer is a collection of more than sixty, 300-400 words reflections on being a writer. Each is accompanied by a photograph. Others are complemented by image. Some are serious. Some are light. Each essay addresses some aspect of the day to day experience of the writing life. These real life practical observations leave you asking questions about your own challenges, quirks and passions as a writer.

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Living Life as a Writer transports you to the heart and soul of the experience of living a writer’s life. Jevne skillfully creates captivating snapshots of the joys and challenges of writing, through poignant personal reflections, vivid imagery, and practical suggestions. This book will resonate with all writers who are passionate about honing their craft – an inspiring requisite companion to a writer’s life.”

~ Cheryl Nekolaichuk, experienced professional and reflective writer

Tea for the Inner Me: Blending Tea with Reflection

Tea for the Inner Me is an invitation to find that quiet and wise place within yourself by blending the time-honored ritual of tea and the practice of journaling. Jevne weaves the story of her early experiences of tea with the need for reflection time and with scientific evidence of the value of journaling. The author assures us we needn’t love tea or be enthusiastic about writing.

After reading a convincing argument for the need for tea for the inner me, enjoy “reflections on tea”, reflections and suggestions for journal writing and a suggestion for three conversations with yourself. Seven photographs assist the reader by being accompanied with an essential guiding question. Tea for the Inner Me will help you to turn off the radio or television, to sit quietly, and to take time for tea while you pose questions to yourself and your world with pen in hand.

“Tea for the Inner Me has changed my entire life. Taking moments of reflection for myself while sipping tea and journalling, has helped me to better understand myself and others. This has led me to a happier life.” ~ Krishna Gupta

Tea for the Inner Me makes a great gift for that special friend.

Available soon on Amazon

Price: $15.95 CAD
Shipping: $8 CAD
For purchase please contact the author
Ronna Jevne

Zen and the Art of Illness: Surrendering to the Moment

This real-life account of the journey of two people through the experience of life threatening illness speaks to the challenge of surrendering to the moment. Using brief, poignant vignettes, some with photographs, the author shares their story of hope, uncertainty, and love.

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Reviewers have commented:

“This eloquent book will touch your very core…You will witness how one keeps hope alive at the edge of death and how one can co-habit with uncertainty.”~
(Kaye Herth, Dean Emeritus, Minnesota State University)

This book offers hope and a voice for those who are walking the path of suffering. It invites people living the experience to live in the moment and it shows by example, ways it can be done.
(Sharon Moore, Professor, Centre for Nursing and Health Studies, Athabasca University)


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Images & Echoes: Exploring life with photography and writing

This beautiful edited hardcopy book captures the explorations of seventeen women who reveal their stories through writing and images. Join them as they delve into the worlds we commonly call family, work, learning, healing, relationships, and spirit. Explore along with them, your inner and outer life as they take you from Copala, to Mazatlan, to Moose Jaw Saskatchewan; from a hospital bed to a classroom; from the summit of Kilimanjaro to the Pacific Ocean; from fear to courage; from chaos to stability.

This book was privately sponsored by Krishna Gupta. She writes: I am proud to support the publication of Images and Echoes: Exploring life with photography and writing. To celebrate my sixtieth year, I wanted to give the world something that encouraged mental health, honored women, and promoted women’s writing. As a mental health advocate, I share its objective of making visible the lives and struggles of women through their writing and images. I believe so strongly that we must promote mental health for everyone and that it begins with our own stories. Every woman who tells her story honestly is an exemplar of courage.

A hard copy is available from Prairie Wind Writing Centre

Price: $55.00 CAD
Shipping: $15 CAD
For purchase please contact the author
Ronna Jevne



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