The Pilgrim Writers Program
The Pilgrim Writer Program
The Pilgrim Writers project is based on the idea that life is not a problem to be solved but a journey to be experienced.
We will encounter many landscapes, some abundant, some despairingly barren. The challenge is to be equipped to survive, even thrive, in the diverse terrain. Without skills to deal with the feelings associated with problems, we are incapacitated by stress. A pilgrim writer learns a repertoire of strategies to co-habiting with uncertainty based on the prompts provided for the pilgrim’s path. It is a creative, fun and yet reflective way to explore your life. With a combination of writing and mindfulness training, you can develop a practice that leads to enhanced mental health.
The Pilgrim Writers’ project is one approach to engaging people, young and adult, to take charge of their mental/emotional health. Junior Pilgrim Writers, a program for youth, has been piloted in classroom and retreat formats. The adult version allows offers a five-step process to becoming an experienced pilgrim writer.