Photography for the Inner Me: I Can See Clearly Now

Explore how you see the world. Learn that the lens points both directions. As we look out into the world, we are looking into ourselves. Combine improving your photographic skills with learning about and nourishing your inner me. In some instances, we blend writing with photography to add depth to the understanding our inner life being revealed through image. When we see clearly, our lives are more satisfying. How though do we learn to “see clearly?”

Engage in short, fun assignments that invite your eye to learn to focus. Enjoy how perspective can deepen with a camera in your hand. Learn how the principles of photography can help you “see” your life in a different light. Your “eye” can help you enjoy your inner “I”.

Date, time, place: TBA

Facilitators: Ronna Jevne & Hal Martin

FEE: including lunch and workshop materials




Register for the “Photography for the Inner Me” Workshop:

  • Enter your signature to authorize submission of personal information.

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