It is not easy to take time for tea, to sit down with one’s self. To take the extra moments to steep tea, perhaps to use loose tea, to turn off the radio or television, to sit quietly. To pose questions to one’s self.

It is even more of a commitment to explore our world with our pen. Whether you are young or old, whoever you are, we hope you will take time to relax in the moment while peacefully reflecting on the challenges and goodness of life.

TEA FOR THE INNER ME is an enjoyable 2.5 hours during which you are introduced to blending the ritual of tea and the practice journaling as a way of finding that quiet and wise place within yourself. You don’t need to love tea or be enthusiastic about writing. This guided experience includes actual tea and healthy goodies, an introduction to therapeutic writing, and opportunity to experience written reflection about your life. Take home new insights, new skills, and the book Tea for the Inner Me along with its accompanying journal. The workshop is appropriate for a home or work setting.

Ask your friends, staff, or colleagues to come to a Tea for the Inner Me event at your home, at your office, or in a special location of your choice.

Mental health advocate Krishna Gupta of Rohit Construction has offered to partially sponsor Tea for the Inner Me for qualifying groups and organizations.

“Tea for the Inner Me has changed my entire life. Taking moments of reflection for myself while sipping tea and journalling, has helped me to better understand myself and others. This has led me to a happier life.” ~ Krishna Gupta

For further information about how your group or organization can benefit from this generous offer contact prairiewindwriting@gmail.com

For further information contact prairiewindwriting@gmail.com or call 780-387-4673.

I am interested in attending or hosting a “Tea for the Inner Me”

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