The Inner Author: Writing with the Inner Me


Presented by

Dr. Ronna Jevne & Hal Martin
Prairie Wind Writing Centre

Whether you write the occasional poem, pour your heart out onto the pages of a journal or have a project in mind or underway, The Inner Author is the writing getaway you may be looking for.

-recognize your unique gift and purpose as a writer

-banish your barriers

-honor your writing style and process

-reap the rewards of risking writing

Enjoy a retreat setting, a touch of pampering and an exchange of ideas about writing with others in an encouraging atmosphere. Bring that unfinished manuscript or that developing idea.

Get to know your inner author. Enjoy uninterrupted time to devote to your writing, with or without guidance and/or feedback. A one day version of The Inner author is also available.

Date, time, place: TBA

Please indicate your interest by filling out the registration form at the bottom of this page.

Fee: includes board and room, materials and participants will receive a signed copy of Living Life as a Writer by Ronna Jevne.

Register for the next “The Inner Author: Writing with the Inner Me”

  • Enter your signature to authorize submission of personal information.


Special Offers

With proof of purchase of 10 or more books, Ronna offers a free, 40 minute conference session.